An IV line provides an ideal way for bacteria to enter the body. To avoid infection in those with IV lines, precautions must be taken. One way to decrease infection in an IV line is proper technique when flushing the line.
Line Flushing Technique
Why Is Flushing Your Line Important?
Get Your Supplies Together
Alcohol prep pads, prefilled saline syringe (1), prefilled heparin syringe (1), disinfection cap (if used)
Step-By-Step Instructions
- Wash your hands properly. (See Hand-Washing instruction sheet)
- Remove the disinfection cap (if used) from the end of your IV line with your fingers and discard in trash. DO NOT REUSE CAP. Make sure you don’t touch the end of your IV line with your fingers. If you think you may have touched the end of the IV line with your fingers or gotten it dirty in any way, clean the end of the IV line with an alcohol pad for at least 15 seconds before proceeding with the flush.
- Use pre-filled saline flush syringe. Remove white cap. Remove any air from syringe.
- Clean the end of the IV line with an alcohol pad.
- Insert saline syringe into the IV end cap and tighten by turning clockwise.
- Inject the saline using the push/pause method.
- Remove the syringe and dispose of it as instructed.
- Clean the end of the IV line with an alcohol pad.
- Use pre-filled heparin syringe. Remove cap. Remove any air from syringe.
- Insert heparin syringe into the IV end cap and tighten by turning clockwise.
- Inject heparin slowly using a pulsing action.
- Remove the syringe and dispose of it as instructed.
- Place a new disinfection cap (if used) on the end of your IV line after the flushing procedure is complete.